I Feel Like Garfield I love lasagna … and I hate Mondays. Not much to say today. Didn’t make anything worth sharing. There’s always tomorrow.
See-Saw Sunday’s
Sunday’s are Emotional The kids are with me every other week, swapping houses on Sunday. Today they leave, so today sucks. It’s Fall Y’all Atticus loves cinnamon rolls. He lobbies both houses to try to have them at least once each week. I was happy he asked, and that he wanted a seasonal makeover from… Continue reading See-Saw Sunday’s
Sleep-In Saturday
Shhhhh Excitedly, both kids are sleeping in. Honestly, it’s a bit of a rarity that both of them will be tired enough, comfortable enough, and just able enough to really sleep in on a Saturday morning. For me, it’s nice to know they are. Tales from a Different Era Yesterday, the kids had the pleasure… Continue reading Sleep-In Saturday
Happy Fri-yay!
We Made It! I love to celebrate waking the kids up on Friday’s during the school year! After a long week of school and everything that goes with it, I believe a celebration is certainly in order. Even getting up on time, on the last day of the week, is worth being proud of. Both… Continue reading Happy Fri-yay!
One Step Forward and One Leap Backwards
Seemingly Smooth Start Even-though I was up late, working on tweaking the blog layout, newsletter settings, and really just “fiddling”, I was awake and showered early. Early enough to wake the kids, without feeling stressed or like I’d need to rush them through their morning routines. It’s always nice when they do what they need… Continue reading One Step Forward and One Leap Backwards
Today (Wednesday) is Our Monday
Short (but busy) Week The kids were out of school on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Fall Break on Monday, to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day, and a Professional Development Day for staff on Tuesday. Which made today, Wednesday, our Monday. “Gooooood Morning School!” Atticus, now that he is in sixth grade, has decided he… Continue reading Today (Wednesday) is Our Monday
Atticus’ Half Birthday
Not a Usual Celebration In the past, I haven’t paid much attention to when the kid’s half birthdays are. A half birthday, falls six months after your actual birthday. If you are born on April 12, then, today is your half birthday! Atticus Isn’t Subtle For the last couple of days, since he showed up… Continue reading Atticus’ Half Birthday
Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Quiet Morning The kids are asleep. No school this morning. Officially, today is, “Fall Break.” I woke up early. I did see Atticus around 5:30am, on his way back to bed after essentially sleepwalking to the bathroom. First Breakfast (versus 2nd) Because the kids have the luxury of sleeping in, I thought I’d make something… Continue reading Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Day 1 of … ?
Beginning to blog … I have been, “getting ready to blog” … for years now. Just seemed like I needed to Google a couple more things first: “How do I start a blog?” “What is the BEST blogging platform?” “Why do I need to … ?” You get the idea! I could easily find a… Continue reading Day 1 of … ?