Beautiful Beginning

Mondays Can Be Marvelous Obviously, I’m completely biased towards the weeks where Atticus and Madeleine are here. I feel more productive when they are here, happier, more whole, just all-around better. Breakfast Today we had a delicious, and simple breakfast. Eggs (scrambled with dill, or soft-boiled), half a slice of toasted “ABC bread” (Apples, Banana,… Continue reading Beautiful Beginning

Saturday, Oct. 23rd

Yogurt for Breakfast Yesterday I turned a half gallon of milk into a half gallon of yogurt. After the milk had gelled, I strained the result. What we ended up with was, one quart of ultra-creamy, tangy, and ultimately delicious greek style yogurt. Of course I had to try it out for breakfast. Drizzled with… Continue reading Saturday, Oct. 23rd

Sleep-In Saturday

Breakfast for one, since the kids are having cereal with their cartoons.

Shhhhh Excitedly, both kids are sleeping in. Honestly, it’s a bit of a rarity that both of them will be tired enough, comfortable enough, and just able enough to really sleep in on a Saturday morning. For me, it’s nice to know they are. Tales from a Different Era Yesterday, the kids had the pleasure… Continue reading Sleep-In Saturday

Today (Wednesday) is Our Monday

Short (but busy) Week The kids were out of school on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Fall Break on Monday, to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day, and a Professional Development Day for staff on Tuesday. Which made today, Wednesday, our Monday. “Gooooood Morning School!” Atticus, now that he is in sixth grade, has decided he… Continue reading Today (Wednesday) is Our Monday

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