Blogging Sometimes life gets in the way. I am lucky to have been able to spend a little time today getting, “Lost In Time” with Madeleine ❤️.
Tag: dad
Weird and Wonderful Wednesday
Conference Day No school for the kiddos today. Parent-Teacher conferences are happening on campus. A mid-year check in to see how everyone’s doing. Interestingly, now that Atticus is in sixth grade, he was tasked with presenting a self-reflective piece as a portion of our allotted time. While there were no surprises today, it was reassuring… Continue reading Weird and Wonderful Wednesday
Proud Papa
Mid-Semester Reports I just finished a late morning snack. Toasted sourdough with (arguably too much) butter, honey and Maldon salt. While eating, I read through the recently available progress report for my sixth grader, Atticus. Without getting too emotional, let’s just say, I was more than proud. Truly proud of who Atticus is becoming. It… Continue reading Proud Papa
Beautiful Beginning
Mondays Can Be Marvelous Obviously, I’m completely biased towards the weeks where Atticus and Madeleine are here. I feel more productive when they are here, happier, more whole, just all-around better. Breakfast Today we had a delicious, and simple breakfast. Eggs (scrambled with dill, or soft-boiled), half a slice of toasted “ABC bread” (Apples, Banana,… Continue reading Beautiful Beginning
Finally Here
Sunday The kids show up today. Finally. Seems like the weeks that they are not here, drag sooo slowly. Of course, once they are here, things happen at warp speed, usually. Dinner was a Winner Last night we tried something different. Shrimp toast. Typically prepared as an appetizer, or certainly to complement another main dish,… Continue reading Finally Here
Saturday, Oct. 23rd
Yogurt for Breakfast Yesterday I turned a half gallon of milk into a half gallon of yogurt. After the milk had gelled, I strained the result. What we ended up with was, one quart of ultra-creamy, tangy, and ultimately delicious greek style yogurt. Of course I had to try it out for breakfast. Drizzled with… Continue reading Saturday, Oct. 23rd
New Day New Ferment
Yogurt Probiotic-rich creamy milk. That’s what I am working on this afternoon. One of Hannah’s favorite do-it-yourself kitchen projects. After warming and cooling a half gallon of milk, it will take a few hours for the milk proteins to gel (turn into yogurt) with a perfectly delicate thickness that is equally suited for spooning straight… Continue reading New Day New Ferment
Blog to Vlog
Now Showing Well, not exactly, now. But soon, or really I should say, eventually! I want to have a YouTube channel, where I post cooking happier content. Recipes, cookbook reviews, restaurant spotlights, travel videos, cooking tutorials. A place for us to connect, and for you to really get to know me/us. More than you can… Continue reading Blog to Vlog
Looking Forward to Tomorrow We are bottling our first batch of kombucha tomorrow. That will begin its short second fermentation. By adding kombucha to bottles with a little fresh fruit, it’ll help carbonate the probiotic concoction. New to Brewing Kombucha While we’ve been fans of kombucha for quite a while, we are new to the… Continue reading Tuesday
Mondays are Tough
I Feel Like Garfield I love lasagna … and I hate Mondays. Not much to say today. Didn’t make anything worth sharing. There’s always tomorrow.