Short (but busy) Week
The kids were out of school on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Fall Break on Monday, to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day, and a Professional Development Day for staff on Tuesday. Which made today, Wednesday, our Monday.
“Gooooood Morning School!”
Atticus, now that he is in sixth grade, has decided he wants to be one of his school’s morning radio hosts. Essentially, a group of a half dozen students meets in the school’s small radio booth before first period each day to broadcast to students as they settle in to their homerooms. The team announces: student birthdays, weather conditions, sports, current events, etc. Atticus has really enjoyed the privilege of participating, provided we arrive at school early enough. We typically have no trouble with that.
What’s for Breakfast?
We sit down as a family at 7:00am (give or take a few minutes) every morning that the kids have school. We eat a homemade, often healthy (though not always), breakfast, and talk about what the day will bring. Sometimes, before going to bed, I know exactly what I will be making in the morning … but too often I don’t. Today, was one of those days, where I really had no idea. Ultimately, I decided on scratch-made sourdough and buttermilk biscuit BLTs (or something like that). They were delicious, thumbs up from everyone.