One Step Forward and One Leap Backwards

Seemingly Smooth Start

Even-though I was up late, working on tweaking the blog layout, newsletter settings, and really just “fiddling”, I was awake and showered early. Early enough to wake the kids, without feeling stressed or like I’d need to rush them through their morning routines. It’s always nice when they do what they need to do without me needing to worry about them. Both kids also took the time to meditate, something I have been helping them to do once or twice each day.

Too Tired to Feel Inspired

While we moved through our routines without issue, I was not feeling particularly creative. That meant breakfast was going to be familiar, and most likely fast. Oatmeal checks off both boxes, and can even be considered nutritious (if I’m not the one making it). One of Atticus’ favorites when made with bananas, he calls, “warm banana pudding.” I add warming spices; cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, a pinch of salt and some brown sugar to a couple of ripe bananas. Once cooked, I top our bowls of oatmeal with the fragrant banana concoction, a handful of chopped toasted pecans, a splash of cream, a pinch of cinnamon and a squirt of fresh lemon juice. Together it’s pretty perfect.

Oatmeal topped with spiced bananas, toasted pecans, and a splash of cream.

Dead Battery

Breakfast was gobbled up in no time, Atticus even put a couple of minutes into a math project that is due on Friday. Madeleine grabbed all of her things. We headed out, without issue. Making it through our fairly short commute so that the kids were dropped off early enough for Atticus to be feeling great! Back home, Hannah was just finishing her morning routine, and getting ready to head out the door. Two minutes later she called to tell me her car wasn’t starting. Probably the battery. Instead of trying to resolve the problem right then, I just had her jump in my car, and I dropped her off at work. Now for a quick bowl of leftover spaghetti, before trying to jump start Hannah’s car.

Quick bowl of leftover spaghetti.

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